Saturday, February 21, 2015

Riverbanks Marikina | 2/12/15

This is one of my first official off-cam flash attempts outside the convenience of my area. Two weeks ago I asked my long time friend Chris, who was a former classmate and bandmate in high school, to model for me since I'm trying out my new sticks (light stands) and haven't had a chance to shoot off-cam on location. As expected (let's just say that he's one hell of a selfie-addict, right Chris?) he enthusiastically accepted my invite and was eager to know when and where it will happen. So I setup a day where I have no work and where the place is close and familiar so we won't waste time figuring things out. I decided that the place most familiar to us is the place where we have known each other, which is also our childhood place, in Marikina. Together with another former bandmate Mike who assisted me on this shoot, we went to RiverBanks Marikina and took the east bank, where it isn't too crowded, and setup there. After setting up my umbrella (ella, ella, e, e..) a security officer appeared from nowhere and suddenly asked me questions like, "what is that for, sir?", "Do you have a permit to shoot here?". Of course, of course I (politely) said that I was just trying to practice my photography skills and said that I didn't have any permit. I knew I had to have one if I were to shoot on the other (crowded) side of Riverbanks but I didn't know we still needed to secure a permit at this place (and in every place which Riverbanks covers) before the shoot (3 days before the shoot, apparently). Luckily, Ms. Zaine, the events coordinator of Riverbanks, was too kind and gave me a pass to shoot just for that day. We shot from around 5pm to 7pm. Just a few warning, it gets a bit mosquito-y after sunset so you might want to bring some mosquito repellent lotion or cover yourself with a kulambo.

In these pictures I used my Nikon D7000, Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8, Nikkor 80-200mm ED f/2.8, Nikon SB 900, 1 light stand with reflective umbrella triggered by Nikon CLS. 

Taken: Thursday, 2/12/15, RiverBanks Marikina, Philippines.

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