Thursday, March 10, 2016

30-day 'Letting Go' Series: Day 10

When I was still into reading fiction, I read John Grisham. 
Stephen Covey - the one who opened the door for my self-development (The 7 Habits of the Highly Effective People)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

30-day 'Letting Go' Series: Day 8

Day 8:

Engineering books! Because I've been there, done that... and I don't wanna go back. heh.

Solid Mensuration - one of my favorite books in Solid Mens
Calculus with Analytic Geometry - excellent book in Calculus, used and abused.
Calculus (James Stewart) - bought from a friend 
Analytic Geometry
Grob Basic Electronics
Fundamentals of College Mathematics

Monday, March 7, 2016

30-day 'Letting Go' Series: Day 7

The positive principle today
How 2 come to the UK - used once, useful! 
Protect and Defend
How to negotiate Effectively - read once
Principle-centered Leadership - I don't want to let go of such an important book but I have the other one "The 7 Habits of the Highly Effective People" which is more important and relevant. 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

30-day 'Letting Go' Series: Day 6

The Golden Retriever - because I have one.
Dianetics - an interesting book but I only read 7-10 pages. 
Lance Armstrong - because Tony Robbins mentioned how amazing  he is.
Webster's Thesaurus, Spelling and Grammar and Usage, Dictionary - won in an English-speaking contest, never really used these.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

30-day 'Letting Go' Series: Day 5

Bible - from my former colleague. I'm using another Bible
CCF booklets
Won by one 
Our Daily Bread